I Am Somebody’s Child: The Regina Louise Story
This poignant drama, directed by Janice Cooke, tells the true story of Regina Louise, a young African American girl navigating the foster care system in the 1970s. The film stars Ginnifer Goodwin and Angela Fairley, who deliver compelling performances as a social worker and the resilient Regina, respectively. It explores themes of love, perseverance, and the quest for belonging amidst systemic challenges. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Director: Janice Cooke
Actors: Angela Fairley, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Wishnowski, Jessica Loeppky, Johise Namwira, Kim Hawthorne, Matthew Enns, Monique Coleman, Robin Ruel, Sherri Saum
Country: United States of America
Company: Julijette, Lifetime Television