In this gritty crime thriller directed by Gerard Johnson, the story follows Michael Logan, a corrupt London police officer played by Peter Ferdinando, who is deeply entrenched in the city’s underworld. As he navigates the dangerous balance between his criminal dealings and his duties as a law enforcer, Logan finds himself caught in a web of violence and betrayal. The film is noted for its intense atmosphere and raw portrayal of the moral complexities faced by its protagonist. While it did not receive major awards, it has been praised for its compelling narrative and strong performances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Gerard Johnson
Actors: Elisa Lasowski, Gordon Brown, MyAnna Buring, Neil Maskell, Orli Shuka, Peter Ferdinando, Richard Dormer, Stephen Graham, Thomas Craig, Tony Pitts
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Film4, Number 9 Films
Worldwide Gross: $3,586