Hurricane Bianca
In this comedic tale, a New York City teacher finds himself relocating to a small Texas town, where he is promptly fired for being gay. In a twist of fate, he returns to the school disguised as a woman, Bianca Del Rio, and seeks revenge on those who wronged him. The film stars the charismatic Roy Haylock, better known as drag queen Bianca Del Rio, and features performances by Rachel Dratch and Alan Cumming. Directed by Matt Kugelman, this film explores themes of identity and acceptance with humor and heart. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Matt Kugelman
Actors: Alan Cumming, Bianca Del Rio, D.J. "Shangela" Pierce, Gene Fogarty, Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick, Lola Botha, Markus Kelle, Misti Morley, RuPaul, Willam Belli
Country: United States of America