House on the Hill
“House On The Hill,” inspired by real events, is a gripping true crime drama infused with intense horror elements. It recounts the shocking murder spree of the 1980s perpetrated by serial killer Leonard Lake, who preyed on individuals and entire families, abducting, robbing, and murdering them. Sonia, the sole survivor of Lake’s rampage, collaborates with a private investigator to find a woman who vanished into Lake’s compound. As they delve into the investigation, Sonia shares the terrifying experiences she endured in the house, where Lake and his accomplice compelled her to record the gruesome acts on video.
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Director: Jeff Frentzen
Actors: Brenna Catherine Briski, Kevin McCloskey, Laura Hofrichter, Naidra Dawn Thomson, Sam Leung, Shannon Leade, Stephen A.F. Day
Country: United States of America
Company: North 40, Options Entertainment