House of D
Set in 1970s New York City, this coming-of-age drama follows a young boy named Tommy as he navigates the complexities of adolescence and family life. The film stars Anton Yelchin, Robin Williams, and Téa Leoni, with David Duchovny making his directorial debut. Tommy’s journey is marked by his friendship with an eccentric janitor and the guidance of a mysterious woman who offers him wisdom from her window. The narrative explores themes of friendship, loss, and self-discovery. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Duchovny
Actors: Anton Yelchin, Bernie Sheredy, Claire Lautier, David Duchovny, Erykah Badu, Frank Langella, Magali Amadei, Robin Williams, Téa Leoni, Zelda Williams
Country: United States of America
Company: Bob Yari Productions, Jeff Skoll Productions, Southpaw Entertainment (I)
Worldwide Gross: $389,866