Hot Property
“Hot Property” is a comedy that humorously explores themes of love, avarice, and real estate agents. The story follows Melody Munro, a corporate spy who finds herself in a financial bind due to her extravagant spending habits. Her situation worsens when she’s caught embezzling from her employer and is promptly dismissed, leaving her without a car, credit cards, or even the means to buy Nespresso capsules. The situation reaches a breaking point when her former friend and landlord decides to evict her from her apartment. Determined to keep her home, Melody resolves to use her espionage skills to battle against her landlord, a group of trendy tenants, and a deranged real estate agent.
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Director: Max McGill
Actors: Kate Bracken, MyAnna Buring, Tom Rhys Harries
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Fortune Films