Home Sweet Home Alone
In this family comedy, a young boy named Max Mercer finds himself left behind when his family travels to Japan for the holidays. As he enjoys the freedom of having the house to himself, a couple attempts to retrieve a valuable heirloom from the Mercer home, leading to a series of comedic and chaotic events. The film stars Archie Yates, known for his role in “Jojo Rabbit,” alongside Ellie Kemper and Rob Delaney. Directed by Dan Mazer, the movie offers a fresh take on the classic holiday hijinks. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Family, Holiday Comedy, Holiday Family, TV Movie
Director: Dan Mazer
Actors: Aisling Bea, Ally Maki, Archie Yates, Chris Parnell, Devin Ratray, Ellie Kemper, Kenan Thompson, Pete Holmes, Rob Delaney, Timothy Simons
Country: United States of America