Home Alone: The Holiday Heist
In this family comedy, a young boy named Finn Baxter finds himself in a new home in Maine, where he believes the house is haunted. As his parents are away, Finn and his sister are left to fend for themselves when a group of thieves targets their home. The film features performances by Christian Martyn and Jodelle Ferland, with Malcolm McDowell adding a touch of villainy. Directed by Peter Hewitt, the movie offers a blend of humor and holiday spirit. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Family, TV Movie
Director: Peter Hewitt
Actors: Adriana O'Neil, Bill Turnbull, Christian Martyn, Debi Mazar, Doug Murray, Ed Asner, Eddie Steeples, Edward Asner, Ellie Harvie, Jodelle Ferland, Malcolm McDowell, Peter DaCunha
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Fox Television Studios, Manitoba Film and Video Production Tax Credit, Original Pictures