High School Musical 2
In this vibrant sequel, the students of East High School embark on a summer adventure filled with music, friendship, and self-discovery. The story follows Troy Bolton, played by Zac Efron, and Gabriella Montez, portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens, as they navigate summer jobs at a country club owned by the family of their classmate, Sharpay Evans, played by Ashley Tisdale. As the group prepares for a talent show, they face challenges that test their relationships and aspirations. Directed by Kenny Ortega, the film continues to captivate audiences with its catchy musical numbers and energetic performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 10
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Music, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Kenny Ortega
Actors: Alyson Reed, Ashley Tisdale, Bart Johnson, Chris Warren, Corbin Bleu, Jessica Tuck, Kaycee Stroh, Lucas Grabeel, Monique Coleman, Olesya Rulin, Ryne Sanborn, Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Efron
Country: United States of America
Company: Disney Enterprises, First Street Films, Salty Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures