Heneral Luna
Set during the Philippine-American War, this historical biopic follows the life of General Antonio Luna, a fiery and passionate leader who struggles to unite his countrymen against the invading forces. The film delves into the complexities of leadership, patriotism, and the internal conflicts that threaten the nation’s fight for independence. Directed by Jerrold Tarog, the movie features a standout performance by John Arcilla in the titular role. It has been praised for its compelling storytelling and historical accuracy. For those interested, the film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Biography, Comedy, Drama, History, War
Director: Jerrold Tarog
Actors: Alex Vincent Medina, Alvin Anson, Arron Villaflor, Bing Pimentel, Joem Bascon, John Arcilla, Lorenz Martinez, Mon Confiado, Mylene Dizon, Perla Bautista
Country: Philippines
Company: Artikulo Uno Productions, TBA Studios
Worldwide Gross: $4,625,639