In this animated adventure, a young boy named Lester dreams of becoming a supervillain but finds himself working as a henchman in a world where villains and their minions are commonplace. He teams up with a veteran henchman named Hank, voiced by Thomas Middleditch, and together they navigate the challenges of villainy while uncovering a plot that could change their world. The film features a voice cast that includes James Marsden and Rosario Dawson, adding star power to the quirky narrative. Directed by Adam Wood, this film offers a humorous take on the life of those who work behind the scenes in the world of supervillains. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Adam Wood
Actors: Alfred Molina, Bobcat Goldthwait, Craig Robinson, James Marsden, Jane Krakowski, Nathan Fillion, Rob Riggle, Rosario Dawson, Thomas Middleditch, Will Sasso
Country: Canada
Company: Bron Studios, Téléfilm Canada
Worldwide Gross: $102,789