Set against the backdrop of Mexico’s drug war, this intense drama follows the life of a young man named Heli, whose family becomes entangled in the violent world of drug trafficking. The film explores the harsh realities and consequences of living in a society plagued by corruption and violence. Directed by Amat Escalante, the movie is noted for its unflinching portrayal of brutality and its stark, realistic cinematography. It won the Best Director award at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, highlighting Escalante’s impactful storytelling. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Amat Escalante
Actors: Andrea Vergara, Armando Espitia, Gabriel Reyes, Juan Eduardo Palacios, Kenny Johnston, Linda Gonzalez, Ramón Álvarez Escudero, Reina Julieta Torres
Country: France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands
Company: Mantarraya Producciones, No Dream Cinema, Tres Tunas
Worldwide Gross: $367,872