Set in the vibrant world of 1940s and 1950s Brazilian football, this film chronicles the tumultuous life of Heleno de Freitas, a legendary yet troubled soccer player. Rodrigo Santoro delivers a compelling performance as Heleno, capturing the athlete’s charisma and self-destructive tendencies. Directed by José Henrique Fonseca, the movie delves into the complexities of fame, addiction, and personal downfall. While it did not receive major awards, it stands out for its striking black-and-white cinematography. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Sport
Director: José Henrique Fonseca
Actors: Alinne Moraes, Angie Cepeda, Duda Ribeiro, Erom Cordeiro, Herson Capri, Jean Pierre Noher, Mauricio Tizumba, Orã Figueiredo, Othon Bastos, Rodrigo Santoro
Country: Brazil
Company: Agência Nacional do Cinema (ANCINE), BNDES, BR Petrobrás
Worldwide Gross: $2,126,384