Heavy Metal 2000
In this animated sci-fi adventure, a miner named Tyler stumbles upon a mysterious artifact that grants him immense power and immortality, setting him on a path of destruction across the galaxy. Julie, a courageous heroine, embarks on a quest to stop Tyler and avenge her family, leading to an epic confrontation. The film features the voice talents of Michael Ironside and Julie Strain, adding depth to its vibrant characters. Directed by Michael Coldewey, the movie is a sequel to the cult classic “Heavy Metal” and continues its tradition of blending fantasy, science fiction, and rock music. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Michael Coldewey, Michel Lemire
Actors: Alan Fawcett, Arthur Holden, Billy Idol, Brady Moffatt, Jane Woods, Julie Strain, Michael Ironside, Pier Paquette, Rick Jones, Sonja Ball
Country: Canada, China, Germany, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, United States of America
Company: CinéGroupe, Das Werk, Helkon Media