This documentary follows Dan Harmon, the creator of the TV show “Community,” as he embarks on a nationwide tour for his podcast. The film provides an intimate look at Harmon’s creative process, personal struggles, and the unique community he builds with his fans. Directed by Neil Berkeley, it captures the raw and often humorous journey of a man seeking connection and redemption. The film features appearances by notable figures such as Jeff B. Davis and Erin McGathy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Documentary
Director: Neil Berkeley
Actors: Alison Brie, Dan Harmon, Danny Pudi, Donald Glover, Erin McGathy, Gillian Jacobs, Jack Black, Jeff Bryan Davis, Joel McHale, Steve Agee
Country: United States of America
Company: Future You Media, Starburns Industries