Happy Hunting
In this gritty thriller, a drifter with a troubled past finds himself in a desolate desert town where the locals have a dark tradition of hunting humans for sport. As he becomes the target, he must rely on his wits and survival skills to outlast his pursuers. The film stars Martin Dingle Wall, who delivers a compelling performance as the protagonist. Directed by Joe Dietsch, the movie offers a tense and atmospheric experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Thriller, Western
Director: Joe Dietsch, Louie Gibson
Actors: C.J. Baker, Connor Williams, Gary Sturm, Jeremy Lawson, Ken Lally, Kenneth Billings, Kenny Wormald, Liesel Hanson, Martin Dingle-Wall, Michael Tipps
Country: United States of America
Company: Selective Collective, Waterstone Entertainment, Wolf Haus