Happy Christmas
In this 2014 film directed by Joe Swanberg, the story revolves around a young woman named Jenny, played by Anna Kendrick, who moves in with her brother Jeff, portrayed by Swanberg himself, and his family after a breakup. As Jenny’s presence begins to disrupt the household, the film explores themes of family dynamics and personal growth. The cast also includes Melanie Lynskey and Lena Dunham, adding depth to the narrative with their performances. Notably, the film was shot in a largely improvisational style, a hallmark of Swanberg’s work. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Holiday Comedy
Director: Joe Swanberg
Actors: Anna Kendrick, Chris Renton, Chris Swanson, Eldar Kim, Joe Swanberg, Jude Swanberg, Lena Dunham, Mark Webber, Megan Mercier, Melanie Lynskey
Country: United States of America
Company: Lucky Coffee Productions
Worldwide Gross: $30,312