Hannibal Rising
Set in the aftermath of World War II, this film explores the early life of a young Hannibal Lecter, delving into the traumatic events that shape his future as a notorious figure. The narrative follows his journey from a war-torn Europe to Paris, where he seeks revenge against those who wronged him and his family. Gaspard Ulliel stars as the titular character, delivering a chilling performance that captures the complexity of Lecter’s transformation. Directed by Peter Webber, the film offers a dark and atmospheric exploration of vengeance and identity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Peter Webber
Actors: Aaran Thomas, Dominic West, Gaspard Ulliel, Gong Li, Helena-Lia Tachovská, Ivan Marevich, Kevin McKidd, Rhys Ifans, Richard Brake, Stephen Walters
Country: Czech Republic, France, Italy, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Dino De Laurentiis Company, Ingenious Film Partners, Quinta Communications
Worldwide Gross: $82,169,884