Hannah Arendt
This biographical drama, directed by Margarethe von Trotta, delves into the life of the influential political theorist and philosopher as she covers the trial of Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal. The film explores her controversial concept of the “banality of evil,” which she develops while reporting for The New Yorker. Barbara Sukowa delivers a compelling performance in the lead role, capturing the intellectual rigor and personal struggles of the protagonist. The movie was well-received for its thoughtful portrayal of complex themes and can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Director: Margarethe von Trotta
Actors: Axel Milberg, Barbara Sukowa, Claire Johnston, Friederike Becht, Janet McTeer, Julia Jentsch, Leila Schaus, Michael Degen, Nicholas Woodeson, Ulrich Noethen
Country: France, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg
Company: Amour Fou Luxembourg, Heimatfilm, MACT Productions
Worldwide Gross: $8,880,936