Half Past Dead 2
In this action-packed sequel, the story follows a former FBI agent who finds himself entangled in a deadly prison riot. As tensions rise, he must navigate the treacherous environment to protect a fellow inmate and uncover a sinister plot. The film stars Bill Goldberg and Kurupt, bringing their unique charisma to the screen. Directed by Art Camacho, the movie delivers intense action sequences and a gripping narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Art Camacho
Actors: Angell Conwell, Art Camacho, Bill Goldberg, Frank Mercuri, Jack Conley, Kurupt, Morocco Omari, Robert LaSardo, Robert Madrid, Tony Plana
Country: United States of America
Company: Andrew Stevens Entertainment, Justified Greenhouse, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment