H Is for Happiness
Set in a small Australian town, this heartwarming film follows the story of a 12-year-old girl named Candice Phee, who is determined to bring happiness back to her family despite the challenges they face. With her unique perspective and unwavering optimism, Candice embarks on a series of creative and sometimes humorous endeavors to mend the rifts in her family. The film stars Daisy Axon as Candice and features Richard Roxburgh and Miriam Margolyes in supporting roles. Directed by John Sheedy, it offers a charming exploration of family dynamics and the power of positivity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Sheedy
Actors: Ali Jayne Tognini, Cath Moore, Catherine Moore, Daisy Axon, Deborah Mailman, Emma Booth, Joel Jackson, Miriam Margolyes, Richard Roxburgh, Wesley Patten
Country: Australia
Company: Cyan Films, The Koop
Worldwide Gross: $152,514