Guest of Honour
In this intricate drama directed by Atom Egoyan, the narrative unfolds through the complex relationship between a father, Jim, played by David Thewlis, and his daughter, Veronica, portrayed by Laysla De Oliveira. As Veronica faces a wrongful accusation that leads to her imprisonment, Jim, a food inspector, grapples with his own sense of justice and guilt. The film delves into themes of memory, guilt, and redemption, weaving a non-linear storyline that keeps the audience engaged. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, the performances and Egoyan’s direction have been noted for their depth and subtlety. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Atom Egoyan
Actors: Arsinée Khanjian, David Thewlis, Gage Munroe, John Bourgeois, Laysla De Oliveira, Luke Wilson, Rossif Sutherland, Sugith Varughese, Tamara Podemski, Tennille Read, Лайсла Де Оливейра
Country: Canada
Company: Ego Film Arts, The Film Farm
Worldwide Gross: $1,780