In this dark comedy, a mild-mannered businessman finds himself entangled in a web of crime and chaos during a business trip to Mexico. The film features a talented cast, including David Oyelowo, Charlize Theron, and Joel Edgerton, who bring depth and humor to their roles. Directed by Nash Edgerton, the movie explores themes of corporate greed and survival with a satirical edge. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers an entertaining blend of action and comedy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nash Edgerton
Actors: Amanda Seyfried, Charlize Theron, David Oyelowo, Harry Treadaway, Joel Edgerton, Melonie Diaz, Paris Jackson, Sharlto Copley, Thandiwe Newton, Yul Vazquez
Country: Australia, Mexico, United States of America
Company: Amazon Studios, Blue-Tongue Films, Denver and Delilah Productions
Worldwide Gross: $11,001,627