Griff the Invisible
In this quirky Australian film, Griff, played by Ryan Kwanten, leads a double life as an unassuming office worker by day and a self-styled superhero by night. His world takes an unexpected turn when he meets Melody, portrayed by Maeve Dermody, a quirky scientist who shares his passion for the extraordinary. The film explores themes of imagination and reality, blurring the lines between the two in a heartfelt narrative. Directed by Leon Ford, this unique take on the superhero genre offers a blend of romance and fantasy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Leon Ford
Actors: Anthony Phelan, David Webb, Heather Mitchell, Kate Mulvany, Kelly Paterniti, Maeve Dermody, Marshall Napier, Patrick Brammall, Ryan Kwanten, Toby Schmitz
Country: Australia
Company: Fulcrum Media Finance, Green Park Pictures, Screen Australia
Worldwide Gross: $147,831