Goodbye to All That
In this 2014 film directed by Angus MacLachlan, the story follows Otto Wall, played by Paul Schneider, as he navigates the unexpected upheaval of his life following a sudden divorce. The narrative delves into themes of personal growth and the complexities of starting over, with a blend of humor and poignancy. Melanie Lynskey and Anna Camp also star, adding depth to the ensemble cast. While the film did not receive major awards, it offers a relatable exploration of life’s unpredictable turns. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Angus MacLachlan
Actors: Amy Sedaris, Anna Camp, Ashley Grace, Audrey P. Scott, Celia Weston, Heather Graham, Heather Lawless, Melanie Lynskey, Michael Chernus, Paul Schneider
Country: United States of America
Company: Epoch Films, RC Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $16,986