Gone Doggy Gone
“Gone Doggy Gone” is a comedy film that follows a couple trapped in a mundane marriage, who lavish their dog with the affection typically reserved for a child. Living the busy life in Los Angeles, they barely make time for one another, dedicating their spare moments to pampering their pet—until the dog is abducted. This sets off a wild and humorous chase as they pursue the kidnapper, hire a bumbling private investigator, rediscover their love for each other, and overcome their apprehensions about becoming parents.
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Director: Brandon Walter, Kasi Brown
Actors: Brandon Walter, Edward Winters, Jeff Sloniker, Jordan Lawson, Kasi Brown, Kate Connor, Lizzie Peet, Marsha Waterbury, Richard Riehle, Shaina Vorspan
Country: United States of America
Company: BuzzWorm Films
Worldwide Gross: $14,354