God Bless the Broken Road
In this heartfelt drama directed by Harold Cronk, the story follows a young mother who struggles to raise her daughter after the tragic loss of her husband in Afghanistan. As she grapples with financial difficulties and her wavering faith, she finds unexpected support from her community and a new romantic interest. The film stars Lindsay Pulsipher and Jordin Sparks, adding depth to the emotional narrative. While it hasn’t received notable awards, it offers a poignant exploration of grief, faith, and resilience. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Harold Cronk
Actors: Andrew W. Walker, Arthur Cartwright, Gary Grubbs, Jordin Sparks, Kim Delaney, LaDainian Tomlinson, Lindsay Pulsipher, Madeline Carroll, Makenzie Moss, Robin Givens
Country: United States of America
Company: 10 West Studios, A Really Good Home Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $2,848,233