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In this 2019 film directed by Emily Ting, the story follows Sasha Li, a young woman living a lavish lifestyle in Los Angeles until her father cuts her off financially. Forced to return to China to work in her family’s toy business, Sasha embarks on a journey of self-discovery and cultural reconnection. The film stars Anna Akana, who delivers a compelling performance as Sasha, navigating the challenges of family expectations and personal growth. This heartfelt narrative explores themes of identity and responsibility with humor and sincerity. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Emily Ting
Actors: Akemi Look, Anna Akana, Aviva Wang, Brittany Finamore, Christina Thomas, Ines Laimins, Kelly Hu, Kendy Cheung, Lynn Chen, Richard Ng, Richard Ng Yiu-Hon
Country: China, United States of America
Company: Endcrawl.com, Fuse Media, Unbound Feet Productions