Give Me Liberty
In this 2019 film directed by Kirill Mikhanovsky, the story follows Vic, a young Russian-American medical transport driver in Milwaukee, as he navigates a chaotic day filled with unexpected detours and colorful characters. The film captures the essence of community and the struggles of marginalized individuals with a blend of humor and empathy. Notably, the movie was an official selection at the Sundance Film Festival, highlighting its critical acclaim. It features a cast of largely non-professional actors, adding authenticity to its portrayal of everyday life. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Kirill Mikhanovsky
Actors: Anna Maltova, Arkady Basin, Chris Galust, Darya Ekamasova, Lauren Spencer, Maxim Stoyanov, Michelle Caspar, Sheryl Sims-Daniels, Steve Wolski, Zoya Makhlina
Country: United States of America
Company: Flux Capacitor Studios, Give Me Liberty, Give Me Liberty Mfg.
Worldwide Gross: $624,818