Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story
In this poignant drama directed by Robin Bain, the film delves into the gritty underbelly of Hollywood, exploring the lives of young women who find themselves ensnared in the harsh realities of the city. The narrative follows a series of interconnected stories, each highlighting the struggles and dreams of those trying to navigate the treacherous landscape of fame and exploitation. With a focus on authenticity, the film offers a raw and unflinching look at the challenges faced by its characters. Notably, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Robin Bain
Actors: Brooke Haven, Christina Veronica, Cody Renee Cameron, Dominique Swain, Elizabeth Lamboy-Wilson, Emily Cheree, James Seaman, Leah Schaefer, Moxie Owens, Psalms Salazar
Country: United States of America
Company: Leslin Films, Odyssey Motion Pictures