Ghosts of War
In this 2020 horror-thriller, a group of American soldiers is tasked with holding a French chateau during the waning days of World War II. As they settle into the seemingly abandoned mansion, they soon discover that it harbors a dark and malevolent presence. The film stars Brenton Thwaites, Theo Rossi, and Skylar Astin, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the chilling and supernatural events. Directed by Eric Bress, known for his work on “The Butterfly Effect,” the movie blends elements of war and horror to create a tense atmosphere. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Science-Fiction, Thriller, War
Director: Eric Bress
Actors: Alan Ritchson, Billy Zane, Brenton Thwaites, Kyle Gallner, Laila Banki, Matthew Reese, Shannon McKain, Shaun Toub, Skylar Astin, Theo Rossi
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Day Tripper Films, Miscellaneous Entertainment, SunJive Studios
Worldwide Gross: $345,289