In this intriguing neo-noir thriller directed by Aaron Katz, the story revolves around the complex relationship between a Hollywood starlet, played by Zoë Kravitz, and her dedicated personal assistant, portrayed by Lola Kirke. As a shocking crime unfolds, the assistant finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and deception, forcing her to unravel the truth while navigating the glitzy yet perilous world of Los Angeles. The film is noted for its stylish cinematography and atmospheric tension. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Aaron Katz
Actors: Greta Lee, James Ransone, Jessica Parker Kennedy, John Cho, Lola Kirke, Michelle Forbes, Nelson Franklin, Reeve Carney, Ricki Lake, Zoë Kravitz
Country: United States of America
Company: Film Science, PASTEL, Rough House Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $200,340