Geek Charming
In this 2011 teen comedy, the story follows Dylan Schoenfield, a popular high school girl, and Josh Rosen, an aspiring filmmaker, as they form an unlikely partnership. Josh decides to make a documentary about Dylan’s life, hoping to capture the essence of popularity. As they spend more time together, both characters learn valuable lessons about themselves and each other. The film stars Sarah Hyland and Matt Prokop, bringing charm and humor to their roles. Directed by Jeffrey Hornaday, this movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, TV Movie
Director: Jeffrey Hornaday
Actors: Andrea Brooks, David Del Rio, Jimmy Bellinger, Jordan A. Nichols, Lili Simmons, Lilli Birdsell, Matt Prokop, Sarah Hyland, Sasha Pieterse, Vanessa Morgan
Country: United States of America
Company: Bad Angels Productions, Mandeville Films