A routine heist takes a dangerous turn when two seasoned burglars infiltrate a luxurious Hollywood Hills home, hoping to find valuables, only to stumble upon a man who is tied up and held captive within the sprawling property. Confronted with this shocking situation, the duo faces a moral dilemma and makes a string of disastrous choices, resulting in a brutal fight for their lives against a ruthless, remorseless killer. This harrowing tale of avarice, betrayal, intense violence, and friendship pushed to its limits, “Gag” delivers top-notch suspense horror that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Views: 2
Genre: Horror
Director: Scott W. McKinlay
Actors: Amy Wehrell, Brian Kolodziej, Gerald Emerick, Malcolm Brownson, Scott W. McKinlay, Trent Haaga, Vince Marinelli
Country: United States of America
Company: Detroit Riot Productions