Frozen Fever
In this delightful animated short, Elsa plans a surprise birthday celebration for her sister Anna, but her icy powers inadvertently create small snowmen that threaten to disrupt the festivities. The film features the beloved characters from the original Frozen, with Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel reprising their roles as Anna and Elsa, respectively. Directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, this charming addition to the Frozen franchise showcases the enduring bond between the sisters. While it did not receive any major awards, it remains a fan favorite for its heartwarming story and catchy new song. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Short
Director: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee
Actors: Anaïs Delva, Bailey Ryon, Chris Williams, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Kristen Bell, Paul Briggs, Santino Fontana
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures