Based on the real-life exploits of Bruno Sulak, one of France’s most infamous non-violent thieves from the 1980s, this story follows his series of heists and his ability to captivate the public with his audacious escapes from law enforcement. His ultimate goal was always to return to his cherished partner and partner-in-crime, Annie, transforming him into both France’s most wanted criminal and a symbol of liberty.
Views: 92
Genre: Action, Biography, Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Director: Mélanie Laurent
Actors: Christophe Kourotchkine, David Ayala, David Murgia, Léa Luce Busato, Léo Chalié, Lucas Bravo, Mélanie Laurent, Radivoje Bukvić, Slimane Dazi, Steve Tientcheu, Yvan Attal
Country: France
Company: Pitchipoï Productions