Frances Ha
This black-and-white film follows the life of a young aspiring dancer, Frances, as she navigates the challenges of adulthood in New York City. Starring Greta Gerwig, who also co-wrote the screenplay, the story captures the essence of friendship, ambition, and self-discovery with a touch of humor and poignancy. Directed by Noah Baumbach, the film is noted for its authentic portrayal of millennial struggles and has been praised for its charming and relatable protagonist. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Noah Baumbach
Actors: Adam Driver, Alex Moore, Anna Salem, Barbara Ross English, Britta Phillips, Charlotte d'Amboise, Christine Gerwig, Cindy Katz, Cohlie Brocato, Connor Mickiewicz, Courtney Coffin-Jensen, Daiva Deupree, Daniel Roose, Danish Hyder, David Salem, Dean Wareham, Doug Craft, Eleanor Smith, Finnerty Steeves, Gibson Frazier, Gordon Gerwig, Grace Gummer, Greta Gerwig, Hannah Dunne, Isaac Salem, Isabelle McNally, Josh Hamilton, Juliet Rylance, Justine Lupe, Kristine Jensen, Laura Parker, Laurie Aloisio-Salem, Lindsay Burdge, Marina Squerciati, Maya Kazan, Michael Esper, Michael Zegen, Michelle Hurst, Mickey Sumner, Molly Lieber, Patrick Heusinger, Peter Scanavino, Ryann Shane, Serena Longley, Teddy Cañez, Timothy Mickiewicz, Tre Borden, Vanessa Ray
Country: Brazil, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Pine District Pictures, RT Features, Scott Rudin Productions
Worldwide Gross: $8,987,134