Four Lions
This dark comedy follows a group of inept British jihadists as they bumble their way through a misguided plan to become martyrs. The film, directed by Christopher Morris, offers a satirical take on extremism, blending humor with a thought-provoking narrative. Starring Riz Ahmed, the movie delves into the absurdity of their mission while maintaining a sharp, comedic edge. Although it did not win major awards, it has been praised for its bold approach to a sensitive subject. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 10
Director: Christopher Morris
Actors: Adeel Akhtar, Adil Mohammed Javed, Alex MacQueen, Arsher Ali, Benedict Cumberbatch, Craig Parkinson, Darren Boyd, Jonathan Maitland, Julia Davis, Karl Seth, Kayvan Novak, Kevin Eldon, Marcus Garvey, Mohammad Aqil, Nigel Lindsay, Preeya Kalidas, Riz Ahmed, Shameem Ahmad, Waleed Elgadi, Wasim Zakir
Country: France, United Kingdom
Company: Bluebush Productions, Film4, Warp Films, Wild Bunch
Worldwide Gross: $6,149,356