Four Corners
Directed by Ian Gabriel, “Four Corners” tells the story of a 13-year-old chess prodigy who becomes entangled in the notorious child-gang scene of Cape Town. This film is recognized as the first to explore the century-long conflict between South Africa’s infamous Number gangs, the 26 and the 28. It incorporates a mix of languages, including Sabela, Tsotsi-taal, and Cape Afrikaans, and features a blend of seasoned actors alongside non-professionals and newcomers from schools and communities throughout the Cape Flats.
Views: 4
Director: Ian Gabriel
Actors: Abduragman Adams, Brendon Daniels, Irshaad Ally, Israel Makoe, Jerry Mofokeng, Jezzriel Skei, Lindiwe Matshikiza, Sibongile Mlambo
Country: South Africa
Company: Giant Films, Moonlighting Films
Worldwide Gross: $36,374