Wes Nolan finds himself in a deserted warehouse, suffering from memory loss. He has been abducted by an individual known as “Lazarus,” who is keeping him prisoner to obtain a remedy for an Ebola epidemic. Wes, a virologist and microbiologist, had been developing a bacterial protein carrier designed to combat the Ebola virus before it could damage human cells. Unfortunately, instead of neutralizing the virus, Wes’ protein inadvertently transformed it into a far more dangerous strain. Now, Wes must work to recover his memory and search for a solution.
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Genre: Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Giorgio Serafini
Actors: Cameron Richardson, Jordann Kimley, Justin Fischer, Nick Stevenson, Romen L. McPherson, Sean Patrick Flanery
Country: United States of America
Company: Smoke Hammer Media, West Arts