Five Feet Apart
In this heartfelt drama directed by Justin Baldoni, two teenagers with cystic fibrosis, played by Cole Sprouse and Haley Lu Richardson, navigate the complexities of love while adhering to strict medical protocols that keep them physically apart. The film explores themes of connection, resilience, and the challenges of living with a chronic illness. With its poignant storytelling and strong performances, it offers a touching portrayal of young love under extraordinary circumstances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Justin Baldoni
Actors: Claire Forlani, Cole Sprouse, Emily Baldoni, Gary Weeks, Haley Lu Richardson, Kimberly Hebert Gregory, Moisés Arias, Parminder Nagra, Rebecca Chulew, Sue-Lynn Ansari
Country: United States of America
Company: CBS Films, Wayfarer Studios, Welle Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $92,559,910