Fisherman’s Friends
In this heartwarming British comedy-drama directed by Chris Foggin, a fast-paced London music executive finds himself in a quaint Cornish village where he is tasked with signing a group of shanty-singing fishermen. The film stars Daniel Mays and James Purefoy, who deliver engaging performances as the story unfolds, exploring themes of friendship, community, and the clash between urban and rural life. Based on a true story, the film captures the charm and spirit of the real-life Fisherman’s Friends, a group that achieved unexpected success in the music industry. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Chris Foggin
Actors: Christian Brassington, Daniel Mays, Dave Johns, David Hayman, James Purefoy, Maggie Steed, Noel Clarke, Sam Swainsbury, Tuppence Middleton, Vahid Gold
Country: United Kingdom
Company: BondIt Media Capital, Fred Films, Powderkeg Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $11,647,462