In the quaint town of Eden, Tennessee, a disregarded and innocent teenager named Clara Banks has developed a routine of tricking people on the internet to receive gifts, a scheme commonly referred to as “catfishing.” She initially views it as harmless entertainment until she inadvertently captures the interest of a dangerous individual. Soon after, a series of events rapidly escalate beyond her control, as someone begins to shadow Clara and her friends. As the repercussions of her deceit catch up with her, disturbing messages start appearing at Clara’s doorstep, leaving her terrified for her safety. Can she ever regain a sense of security now that malevolence has come knocking at her door?
Views: 2
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Cassandra Bryson
Actors: Alexander Chastain, Blaine Rincon, Dakota Evans, Jeremy Hawkins, Jessie Bell, Lilly Leann Wright, Mia Naipaul, Sage Lawrence, Zach Meiser, Zachary Rodrigues-Gardner
Country: United States of America
Company: Cassie B Productions, Maelstrom Films