In this 2008 drama, firefighter Caleb Holt, played by Kirk Cameron, faces a crumbling marriage and embarks on a 40-day experiment known as “The Love Dare” to save his relationship. Directed by Alex Kendrick, the film explores themes of love, faith, and personal transformation. While it did not receive major awards, it gained attention for its strong Christian message and was produced by Sherwood Pictures, a church-based production company. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Director: Alex Kendrick
Actors: Erin Bethea, Harris Malcom, Jason McLeod, Ken Bevel, Kirk Cameron, Perry Revell, Phyllis Malcom, Ric Young, Stephanie Makulinski, Stephen Dervan
Country: United States of America
Company: Affirm Films, Carmel Entertainment, Samuel Goldwyn Films
Worldwide Gross: $33,473,297