Set in France, this poignant drama follows the life of an immigrant mother who struggles to bridge the cultural and generational gap with her two daughters. The film delves into themes of identity, sacrifice, and resilience as the protagonist navigates her daily challenges while striving to provide a better future for her children. Directed by Philippe Faucon, the movie received critical acclaim and won the prestigious César Award for Best Film. It features a compelling performance by Soria Zeroual in the lead role. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Philippe Faucon
Actors: Chawki Amari, Dalila Bencherif, Edith Saulnier, Franck Andrieux, Kenza Noah Aïche, Mehdi Senoussi, Rachid Yous, Soria Zeroual, Yolanda Mpele, Zita Hanrot
Company: Arte France Cinéma, Istiqlal Films, Rhône-Alpes Cinéma
Worldwide Gross: $212,228