Set in 1998, this comedy follows a group of passionate Star Wars fans who embark on a cross-country road trip to fulfill their dying friend’s wish of seeing “The Phantom Menace” before its official release. The film features a cast that includes Sam Huntington, Chris Marquette, Dan Fogler, Jay Baruchel, and Kristen Bell. Directed by Kyle Newman, it captures the essence of fandom and friendship with humor and heart. Notably, the movie includes several cameos from actors associated with the Star Wars franchise. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Crime
Director: Kyle Newman
Actors: Charlie B. Brown, Chris Marquette, Christopher Marquette, Christopher McDonald, Dan Fogler, David Denman, Isaac Kappy, Jay Baruchel, Kristen Bell, Sam Huntington, Seth Rogen
Country: United States of America
Company: Picture Machine, The Weinstein Company, Trigger Street Productions
Worldwide Gross: $961,203