Félix et Meira
In this poignant drama directed by Maxime Giroux, the story unfolds around the unexpected connection between two individuals from vastly different worlds. Félix, a solitary man grappling with personal loss, encounters Meira, a young Hasidic Jewish woman yearning for a life beyond her community’s constraints. As their friendship deepens, they both confront the challenges of their respective lives and the possibility of change. The film stars Hadas Yaron and Martin Dubreuil, delivering compelling performances that bring depth to their characters’ journeys. This critically acclaimed film was awarded the Best Canadian Feature Film at the Toronto International Film Festival. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Maxime Giroux
Actors: Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Benoît Girard, Hadas Yaron, Luzer Twersky, Martin Dubreuil
Country: Canada
Company: Metafilms, Quebec Film and Television Tax Credit, Société de Développement des Entreprises Culturelles (SODEC)
Worldwide Gross: $496,714