Faith like Potatoes
Set against the backdrop of the South African landscape, this film follows the transformative journey of Angus Buchan, a Scottish farmer who relocates with his family to the KwaZulu-Natal region. Struggling with the challenges of farming and personal turmoil, Angus finds solace and strength in his newfound faith, which leads to unexpected miracles and a profound impact on his community. The movie stars Frank Rautenbach and Jeanne Neilson, delivering compelling performances that bring this inspiring true story to life. Directed by Regardt van den Bergh, the film captures the essence of hope and perseverance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama
Director: Regardt van den Bergh
Actors: Frank Rautenbach, Hamilton Dlamini, Jeanne Neilson, Rochelle Buchan, Sean Cameron Michael, Tom Miles
Country: South Africa
Company: Global Creative Studios