Exit Humanity
Set in the aftermath of the American Civil War, this film follows the harrowing journey of a man named Edward Young as he navigates a world ravaged by a zombie apocalypse. The narrative is driven by Edward’s quest to find closure and redemption while battling both the undead and his own personal demons. The movie features notable performances by Mark Gibson and Dee Wallace, adding depth to its intense storyline. Directed by John Geddes, it combines elements of horror and historical drama to create a unique cinematic experience. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Geddes
Actors: Adam Seybold, Ari Millen, Bill Moseley, Brian Cox, Dee Wallace, Holly Letkeman, Jordan Hayes, Mark Gibson, Stephen McHattie
Country: Canada
Company: Eggplant Picture & Sound, Foresight Features, Optix Digital Pictures