Evil Bong: High 5
In this quirky horror-comedy, the story continues with a group of friends who find themselves entangled in bizarre and supernatural events after encountering a malevolent bong. As they navigate through a series of surreal and humorous challenges, they must confront their own fears and desires. Directed by Charles Band, the film features a mix of eccentric characters and outlandish scenarios, maintaining the franchise’s signature blend of humor and horror. Notably, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Director: Charles Band
Actors: Amy Paffrath, Chance A. Rearden, David DeCoteau, Jacob Witkin, John Patrick Jordan, Jonathan Katz, Mindy Robinson, Robin Sydney, Rorie Moon, Sonny Carl Davis
Country: United States of America
Company: Full Moon Entertainment, Full Moon Features, HILL 142